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Category: Democrats (Page 1 of 57)

Great ad from Jason Kander

Missouri offers an interesting opportunity for Democrats to pick up another Senate seat. Incumbent Republican Roy Blunt was a clear favorite, but you can see from this ad that Jason Kandor is a formidable candidate.

Blunt has been attacking Kandor on the gun issue, so Kander, a former Army Captain who volunteered to serve in Afghanistan, went right after Blunt on this issue.

This is the kind of things more candidates need to do. Appeal directly to voters in their ads, and take on issues raised in the campaign. Having a clever angle like assembling a gun while blindfolded also helps!

Bloomberg gives big to Senate Democrats

Mike Bloomberg made it very clear he was going so spend his fortune on causes her cares about, promising to bounce the check to the undertaker. With a net worth of aorund $30 billion, that gives him quite a bit of money to spend. With that as a backdrop, we now have news that Bloomberg gave $2.5 million to Senate Majority PAC which is formed to help Senate Democrats keep their majority. This is a serious commitment and signals that Bloomberg will be very active in this and upcming election cycles, giving the Democrats a powerful money source to counter the millions being spent by the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson.

Have the culture wars flipped?

For years, Republicans used the culture wars to bludgeon Democrats as issues like abortion and gay marriage were used to rally their base.

Now we’re seeing Democrats get much more energized about these issues as Republicans have gone so far to the right on issues like abortion and contraception.

This election will provide an interesting test as to whether this strategy will work. Take a look at the Obama ad above calling out Mitt Romney for some of his more extreme statements he made on the subject of abortion.

Newt Gingrich freaking out many on the right

You can’t really blame Ann Coulter and others on the right for their reactions to Newt’s victory in South Carolina. But the right deserves this. They’ve been built on hatred and contempt for the left and for Barack Obama, so this is what they get.

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